My Florida license shows a delinquent status within my CE Broker account - what does this mean?

Your license is automatically placed into a delinquent status when you have not renewed your license with the Florida Department of Health by the expiration date set forth by your Board. If your license is not renewed by the following renewal cycle, your license will become null and void.
Reasons your license has been placed in delinquent status.
You have not completed the required CE for your delinquent renewal cycle, or the CE that you completed has not been posted to your CE Broker account.
You must complete the license renewal process directly with the Florida Department of Health by logging into your MQA account and paying any associated renewal fees.
A combination of both.
To successfully renew your license with the Florida Department of Health, the DOH requires that all CE requirements have been completed and reported to your CE Broker account. Once your CE Broker account is complete, the next step of the renewal process is to verify your personal information and pay any associated renewal fees directly with the Florida Department of Health. This can be done by logging into your MQA account at Upon completion of both of these steps, your license is officially renewed.
**It is important to note that you can only pay the renewal fees for most professions if your CE Broker account is compliant.
What steps can I take to place my license back into an active/clear status?
1.) Complete and report any missing CE. Log into your CE Broker account and ensure all CE required for your delinquent renewal cycle has been completed and reported to your CE Broker account.
**Please note that our programming is set to pull hours back to your delinquent cycle. To clarify, if you complete the CE needed for your delinquent renewal cycle outside your delinquent renewal cycle dates, our programming will automatically pull the activity back toward your delinquent process. Any hours used toward your delinquent renewal cycle cannot be used toward your current renewal cycle.
2.) Log into your MQA account with the Florida Department of Health and complete the renewal process. This involves paying any associated fees directly to the state. This is the last step of the renewal process.