An Educational Provider may submit XML data to the CE Broker Web Services system using various methods.
Regardless of the method chosen, each XML message transmission will generate a corresponding XML Receipt message describing what happened during the upload. Each record loaded will either return an Identifier number if successful or an error message if unsuccessful.
Whenever an Educational Provider system makes a call to the Web Service, CE Broker will generate a Return Receipt XML message. Although it will not contain the same data elements, this return message will mirror the structure of the provider-submitted XML message. For every node that required a call to the database, there will be an attribute called "Message." If there is an error message in this attribute, there was a problem with the data. Otherwise, "Message" will contain no value, and the appropriate ID attributes will be populated.
The following example is numbered for convenience to show where lines have actually wrapped around due to page width limitations:
<provider id_provider="#" name="provider name" TimeStamp="2/10/2004 1:04:33 PM">
<board Message="" TimeStamp="2/10/2004 1:04:36 PM" />
<board Message="" TimeStamp="2/10/2004 1:04:37 PM" />
<course id_course="#" name="course name" provider_course_code="#" Message="" TimeStamp="2/10/2004 1:07:42 PM">
<board id_board="#">
<component Message="" TimeStamp="2/10/2004 1:07:42 PM" />
<component Message="" TimeStamp="2/10/2004 1:07:42 PM" />
<board id_board="#">
<component Message="" TimeStamp="2/10/2004 1:07:42 PM" />
<publishing id_publishing="#" id_provider="#" id_course="#" dt_start="01/01/2004" tm_start="8:00 AM" Message="" TimeStamp="2/10/2004 1:11:51 PM" />
<publishing id_publishing="#" id_provider="#" id_course="#" dt_start="01/11/2004" tm_start="10:00 AM" Message="" TimeStamp="2/10/2004 1:11:51 PM" />
<roster id_course="#" id_roster="#" id_publishing="#" TimeStamp="12/12/2004 12:00:59 PM">
<attendee id_roster_attendee="#" message="" TimeStamp="2/12/2004 12:00:59 PM" />
<attendee id_roster_attendee="#" message="" TimeStamp="2/12/2004 12:00:59 PM" />
<attendee id_roster_attendee="#" message="" TimeStamp="2/12/2004 12:00:59 PM" />
<licensee valid="true" licensee_profession="RN" licensee_number="123456" first_name="JOHN" last_name="DOE" Message="" TimeStamp="5/6/2004 2:02:17 PM" />
<licensee valid="false" licensee_profession="RN" licensee_number="345678" first_name="" last_name="" Message="Invalid license Number" TimeStamp="5/6/2004 2:02:18 PM" />
<location id_location="1" id_provider="1" nm_location="Location 1" ds_address="Address 1" ds_address2="" ds_building="" ds_building_number="" ds_building_room="" ds_phone="" ds_phone_ext="" ds_comments="" ds_zip="12345" ds_city="" cd_state="" cd_country="" in_address_outside_US="False" Message="" TimeStamp="9/20/2005 03:39:46 p.m." />
<location id_location="2" id_provider="1" nm_location="Location 2" ds_address="Address 2" ds_address2="" ds_building="" ds_building_number="" ds_building_room="" ds_phone="" ds_phone_ext="" ds_comments="" ds_zip="12345" ds_city="" cd_state="" cd_country="" in_address_outside_US="False" Message="" TimeStamp="9/20/2005 03:39:46 p.m." />