Parent and Child Providers - Creating Courses and Submitting Completions
With system-to-system XML Messaging, Educational Providers can create XML messages to upload data to CE Broker. The following is the order of transmittal when using this process:
If a parent provider's system is reporting for a number of child Educational Providers, child providers will need to be sent and setup first. Then, the newly generated child Educational Provider IDs (all provider ids begin with 50-) can be used to upload further data, like courses or course completions (rosters).
Course XML messages would be the second data type transmitted. A parent provider can send an XML message to create a course in the CEB system. Then, the newly generated course tracking numbers (all course ids begin with 20-) can then be used to upload publishings (instances of the course) and completions (rosters).
Using the course tracking numbers, course publishings can be uploaded. Publishings make course dates and locations available to licensees using the course search. Creating a publishing is basically creating a new instance of the course (usually used for live courses).
Lastly, parent provides or child providers can send course completions (rosters) via XML to upload course completion credit.
Educational Providers may integrate this messaging system for a seamless connection to create child providers, create courses, and send roster completions automatically.
At any time in this workflow Educational Providers can use the License Validation Web Service to validate the license numbers of licensees that have completed or will be completing their courses. This service has proven to be very effective in lowering the number of errors received when uploading course completion credit. Some Educational Providers have been using this to validate license numbers in real-time as the licensee is entering them into their training systems.