Once you are approved by a Board as an Educational Provider, you can submit new courses to that Board for approval through your CE Broker account.
Are you a licensee trying to submit course completions to your account? Click here.
To Add a Course for Board Approval:
1. Log in to your account and click the Courses tab
2. Click on the + New Course tab
3. Review the course application requirements for the specific Board to which you are submitting the course. Prepare any necessary documentation to expedite the process.
4. Click the Next button to continue. Fill in the required information as you progress through the application (ie: course name, subject area)
5. The Attachments page is where you can attach documents to be sent to the Board for approval. Each Board has its own requirements regarding what needs to be attached. You will see a list of what the Board requires on this page directly above the attachment box. To add an attachment you need to click the Choose File button. A box will pull up on your computer where you can choose the files you wish to attach. You then will need to type in a File Description and then click the Upload File button to attach the file to the Course Application.
6. Be sure to click the Next button to advance the submission form, until you get to the end where you’ll click the Finish button to submit your new course
If, during the creation process, the system automatically skips over a question section, it simply means that section is not required for your situation.
Please Note: CE Broker does not approve continuing education courses.
Depending on the Board, your new courses may route for approval before you can offer them to licensees for credit. If this is the case, be sure to check on the status of your course application from within your CE Broker account by clicking on the Courses tab and finding the relevant course(s). Also, be sure to respond to anything in the Communications tab, as the Board may request additional information (Please see the above screenshot for a demonstration of where this is).