When managing your compliance with a Professional, Pro+ or Concierge transcript service, credits you have completed may indicate a warning symbol⚠️.
The credit hours might be lower than intended or marked as zero applied.
⚠️ Hovering your cursor over this alert will reveal helpful information about how your hours have been applied to your requirements.
If you're not sure what these messages mean, here is an overview of some common notifications:
⚠️ Hours not Applied. Posted to Prior License Cycle:
This message appears when the system detects a shortage of hours from a previous renewal period.
If required by your Board, the system will automatically allocate the first available credits completed, to satisfy a previous cycle before applying them to your current requirement.
- Any courses that are impacted will be marked with this notification.
Even if you completed your requirements and renewed your license for a previous compliance period, your regulating entity may require that all credit records be reported to your CE Broker account before allowing you to proceed with your current renewal.
If you notice this message next to a "mandatory" Laws & Rules requirement on your 2022-2024 transcript, check the transcript from your previous renewal cycle (2020-2022).
Upon review of the previous cycle, you will likely notice that your account does not have a record of a Laws & Rules course completed between 08/01/20 and 07/31/22, causing the system to apply your newly completed course to that deficit cycle.
As a result, the Laws & Rules course listed on your 2020-2022 transcript will display reduced/ hours needed 0, and will show the recent course date.
How to fix it:
In the example above, if you did complete a Laws & Rules course for the 2020-2022 period, all you would need to do is report it to your account. The system will adjust your hours accordingly.
If you did not complete credit in the necessary subject area for the 08/01/20 - 07/31/22 period (or if you cannot find your documentation), the course that rolled back to the previous cycle cannot be moved. You would need to take an additional Laws & Rules course to satisfy the current 08/01/22 - 7/31/24 requirement.
⚠️ Carried over to General for x hours:
This indicates that you received more hours than the minimum required in a particular subject area. Since that subject area's minimum requirement is satisfied, the excess hours can count toward the remaining General requirement.
If you have a 2-hour Medical Errors requirement, you might fulfill the requirement with a single 2-hour course.
If you end up taking another 0.5-hour Medical Errors course, you'll notice that your transcript would display 0 hours next to the extra credit (indicating that it's not counting toward your Medical Errors requirement because the minimum has already been satisfied), along with the message that it's been carried over or applied to your remaining General requirement instead.
⚠️ Carried over from [subject area]:
This message corresponds with the previous one. You will typically see this message next to excess credits from other subject areas, that have been carried over to apply in the General section of your transcript.
⚠️ Completed Already on this Transcript:
Some Boards do not allow licensees to complete the same exact course multiple times within a single renewal period.
When the system detects a duplicate credit entry (whether or not it was completed on the same date), it will display zero hours on the transcript along with this notification.
If your Board allows you to take the same course multiple times within a single renewal period, you will not see this message next to duplicates on your transcript. If you notice a duplicate that should not be there, you will need to manually delete it.
⚠️ Maximum Hours Restriction by Self Submit Category:
Some Boards have restrictions on the number of hours licensees can submit for certain activities, such as: reading journal articles, teaching courses, CPR certification or providing Pro Bono services, etc.
- If you have exceeded the maximum number of hours allowed for such activities, any excess hours will no longer apply and this notification will appear.
- Clicking on Learn More ˅ under a reporting option on the ⊕ Report CE page of your account will let you know if there are any restrictions for that particular option.
⚠️ Excess Hours Not Applied:
This message, when not accompanied by any of the above, means that you exceeded the minimum number of hours required by your Board for a particular subject area and they are not necessary to be applied elsewhere.
If your Board requires you to take a total of 20 hours, 5 of which must be live, the system will automatically stop counting your online/home study courses once you've hit the maximum of 15.
In this scenario, any additional online/home study hours you complete will appear on your transcript with reduced/zero hours along with this message.
That is because, in this example, the remaining 5 hours must be live and no amount of home study courses can fulfill that requirement.
⚠️ Simultaneously Posting to Multiple Subject Areas:
Some Boards allow licensees to use a single course to fulfill multiple requirements.
When this happens, the course will appear in more than one section on your transcript and be marked with this message.
If you were required to take a certain number of live General hours as well as 2 hours of Medical Errors, a Medical Errors course that you attend in person could count toward both requirements.
In this case, you would see the course listed under the Medical Errors section of your transcript as well as the General section.
This is because the Board is recognizing that you did indeed complete your Medical Errors requirement while also acknowledging that the hours count toward your live General requirement.
It's important to note that the hours themselves are not being counted multiple times: if you take a 2-hour course that is simultaneously posting to 2 different subject areas, you will not count a total of 4 hours.
If you're required to take a total of 20 hours, a 2-hour course that is simultaneously posting to multiple subject areas would still only count as 2 credits and you would have 18 hours remaining.
⚠️ Hours Used for Reactivation of License:
If your license was previously inactive, you may see courses listed on your transcript for zero hours, along with the message that they were used for license reactivation.
If you have credit that is marked as having been used to reactivate your license, then it cannot also be applied to your regular renewal requirements. You will need to take additional credit for your renewal.
If your license is currently inactive, reach out to your regulating entity for specific instructions and requirements for reactivation.